The 2024-2025 school year has started at Calumet SD 132.
Ensure your student is in school and ready to learn

The 2024-2025 school year has started at Calumet SD 132.
Ensure your student is in school and ready to learn

The 2024-2025 school year has started at Calumet SD 132.
Ensure your student is in school and ready to learn

Our Mission
In pursuit of academic excellence, the mission of Calumet District 132 is to form a partnership with family, community, and the educational staff to develop academic, social, physical, emotional, and cultural needs of all students.
About Calumet SD 132
In pursuit of academic excellence, the mission of Calumet District 132 is to form a partnership with family, community, and the educational staff to develop academic, social, physical, emotional, and cultural needs of all students.
The educators of District 132 will:
Teach a standards-based curriculum and provide diverse learning experiences that meet the academic, social, physical, emotional, and cultural needs of all students.
We resolve to provide students with a supportive environment that is safe, respectful and responsible.
Academically, we will promote the development of literate, motivated and independent thinking, problem solvers.
Socially, we will promote the development of responsible citizens who are honest, kind, tolerant and empathetic.
Physically and emotionally, we will promote the idea of learning to maintain a healthy and productive lifestyle.
Culturally, we will promote respect of cultural diversity, diverse opinions, others and self.